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Modérateurs: ricoinfo57, webmaster
par Truts » 29 Déc 2009, 02:12
I have an iPhone wit 3.1 software and I was wondering if anybody knows how to sync it onto different computers so I could get more music without having the music i already have replaced. I'm also tryin to stay away from jail breaking.
unlock iphone 3g
par ricoinfo57 » 01 Jan 2010, 16:30
Welcome to our forum.
Your question is very simple.
If you want to sync your iphone 3G with PC, you' ve to use this software : Itunes for windows (or for MAC, if you are on a MAC OS).
This software could do sync all files form your Iphone 3G to your PC and against also.
Therefore, we don't explain to you : 'how to do with the jail breaker' because on this forum is to help users and NOT a forum for HACKS !!
Please read the Terms of General forum.
Thanks for for your understanding.
Happy surfing and see you soon !!!
- Administrateur
- Messages: 33
- Inscription: 10 Oct 2009, 17:52
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