colaborator research

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colaborator research

Message non lupar webmaster » 06 Avr 2012, 13:33

If you like helping others, we propose you an additional income by turning your passion into a profession.
It aims to enable foreign students from the world and learning French, to study a few months or years in France.
Your mission is to find host families interested to receive host these students and to consider them as a full member of their family, for the sake of linguistic and cultural enrichment.
If you feel concerned by this description, don’t hesitate to contact us by email at the following address laurent.cheret or to call to the phone number 06 64 96 44 04 or per skype to pseudo cheret_laurent
For further information don’t hesitate to contact us

Best regards,

Laurent CHERET
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Messages: 749
Inscription: 10 Oct 2009, 18:15

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