French, German or English Lessons Online for Foreign People

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Modérateurs: ricoinfo57, webmaster

French, German or English Lessons Online for Foreign People

Message non lupar webmaster » 12 Sep 2014, 04:43

Dear Sirs,

We propose you to teach French and English or Russian or German on Skype or QQ.

The first lesson is free.

An hour (60 minutes) costs 8 €.

If you decide to take a package (10 lessons) and that you pays it in advance, you are going to pay 60 €.

You can pay per paypal.

For further information do not hesitate to contact us on skype (Skype ID : cheret_laurent) or by sending an electronic mail to the address or on QQ (QQ number : 3061713007).

If you are localized in China you can call us at +86 1 78 65 94 19 13

Best regards,

Laurent CHERET
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Inscription: 10 Oct 2009, 18:15

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