Access to our different sites

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Modérateurs: ricoinfo57, webmaster

Access to our different sites

Message non lupar webmaster » 02 Avr 2013, 13:28


Dear Sirs,

If you have tablets or mobiles, with an internet connection, you can scan our Qr codes to access to our different internet sites :

To access to our internet site scan one of the two following QR codes :

Image or Image

To Access to our main forum scan one of the two following QR codes :

Image or Image

To access to our second forum, concerning professional training and translations and lessons at home, scan one of the two following QR codes :

Image or Image

For further information do not hesitate to contact us.

Do not hesitate to contact us per email to the address or au 06 64 96 44 04 or on skype at the following pseudos cheret_laurent or neli.tomova3

Best regards,

All the Team of ET NEVEN

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